Thurston County Democrat pre-caucus forum and straw poll
By emmettoconnell
Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 09:22:19 PM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Democrats
This year, precinct caucuses won't include an opportunity to discuss or vote on possible platform planks or resolutions. However, building an effective party platform is still an important activity. It's the one chance we have every couple of years to clearly articulate our values, defining who we are and what we stand for.
Therefore, in an effort to provide opportunities for discussion and participation, we will offer a series of "pre-caucus forums" throughout the county, and, since it's a presidential election year, we'll be doing straw polls to determine preferred candidates at each forum.
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Thurston County Democrats, Progressive Majority hold FREE training for prospective candidates
By emmettoconnell
Mon Apr 23, 2007 at 11:01:23 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Election Integrity
Register here
Have you ever thought about taking your activism to the next level, but don't know how to take the next step? Have you ever considered becoming a candidate for public office, but don't understand what is needed to run an effective campaign?
Then, this training is for you! Join our expert trainers as we explore how to run for legislative, county, or local office and discuss the basic fundamentals of being a candidate:
* Making the decision to run for elected office
* Raising money for campaigns
* Contacting voters
* Developing your message
* Organizing grassroots and field campaigns
The deadline for filing for public office in Washington State is Friday, June 8. More than 70 positions are up for election in Thurston County this year, including city council, school board and port commission positions.
When: Sunday, May 13th
1pm-4pm (snacks will be provided)
Where: Thurston County Courthouse
Room 152, Courthouse Building 1
2000 Lakeridge Drive, Olympia, WA (Map)
This event is Free. However seating is limited to 50 people. So register now.
Sponsored by Progressive Majority Washington, Thurston County Democrats
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National Bill Richardson get together day
By emmettoconnell
Sat Jan 13, 2007 at 09:55:04 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Election news/info
At least eight groups of folks supporting New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson for President will be meeting on February 6. The Washington for Richardson group will be meeting at 7 p.m. in Olympia.
Go here to sign up and get more information about the Washington for Richardson group. Our blog is here.
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Membership compromise in Thurston County?
By emmettoconnell
Thu Dec 21, 2006 at 12:54:39 PM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Building the base
I just now posted an idea at the Thurston County Democrats blog that I think spans the difference between people that want to stay with a PCO driven organization (where only PCOs can vote) and a membership driven organization, where paid members can participate up to the level they're legally allowed. State law actually defines the role of PCOs, and thereby limits the participation of "members." Though, outside of county organizations and actually only organizational meetings where we choose our executive committees and bylaws, there isn't really anything limiting the participation of a membership.
Votes like campaign services, our yearly budget, spending choices on particular campaigns and endoresments could all be open to members.
I know Thurston County is a bit unique in their PCO only based system, but I'm wondering what other systems for accepting members are out there? Anyone belong to a PCO/member organization? What issues come up with that sort of system?
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As much as we disagree, there is much to agree upon
By emmettoconnell
Sun Dec 10, 2006 at 08:30:03 PM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Election Integrity
A little tongue in cheek title to this diary, but here's a great column (or at least the start of one, you have to sign up at the SacBee to get the rest) on the political situation in California. We greatly resemble California, in all the bad ways, lately in terms of how our politics happen.
From the New America Foundation:
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New leadership in Thurston Co. and LD 22
By emmettoconnell
Mon Dec 04, 2006 at 10:49:15 PM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Building the base
Here are the new officers for the Thurston County Democrats, all elected by acclamation, tonight. - John Cusick, chair
- Elizabeth Shepard, 1st cice chair
- Jerry Muchmore, 2nd vice chair
- Christine Garst, secretary
- Helen Wheatley, treasurer
- Roger Erskine, state committeeman
- Debby Pattin, state committeewoman
Usually the 22nd LD, which is totally encompassed by Thurston County, has the same leadership as the county. But, because of an increased interest in those positions, we have all new leadership. Also, particularly all young leadership too, which is great. - Jim Cooper, chair
- Debby Pattin, vice chair
- Russ Olson, secretary/treasurer
- Hillary Hunt, state committeewoman
- Zach Smith, state committeeman
Here are my notes from the meeting(s).
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What happened to Alex Alben?
By emmettoconnell
Thu Nov 16, 2006 at 11:28:52 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Election news/info
Two and a half years ago, former tech executive Alex Alben was seemingly on his way to the Democratic nomination for the 8th CD. He had raised a cool half million and the endorsement of the majority of the state's congressional Democrats and the sitting governor.
Of course, then Dave Ross cut to the front of the line.
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We don't listen to each other
By emmettoconnell
Thu Nov 02, 2006 at 06:12:53 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Rants
I don't wonder very often why people hate politics, and in a very good year, only 60 percent or so of registered voters vote.
Susan Owens will only take questions from qualified inquisitors.
Mike Stark gets beat up.
And Young Republicans get kept out of a political rally in a public building.
Bush kept out non-Republicans during his "public" events during his social secruity campaign.
This third instance, especially the conversation over at the Stranger's blog on Cantwell's response (link above) is what inspired me to write here today.
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Pam Roach's son released early, to Pam Roach
By emmettoconnell
Sun Oct 29, 2006 at 05:56:53 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Repubs
[Front paged NM. Stephen Roach, the son of 31st District Senator Pam Roach, is a high-risk four-time offender -- a drug-dealer categorized as "Risk Management A" for stranger violence. Soon after Tough-on-Crime Pam spoke with the head of the Dept. of Corrections, the officers in charge of Stephen's case file were explicitly directed by their superiors to not correct Stephen's file to note his violence and high risk status. According to this PI article, had the case file been corrected, Stephen's sentence would have been 103 days longer.]
Apparently, Pam Roach's son was "mis-classified" and therefore released early on a prison sentance that should have lasted, oh a few more years at least.
The Seattle PI has the story from yesterday:
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Growth, Wage Equity, Judge races and change: this month on the Netroots Agenda
By emmettoconnell
Mon Oct 09, 2006 at 10:45:09 PM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Building the base
It's been a few weeks at least, so I thought I'd update you on what's going on at the Netroots Agenda, your chance to help write a progressive legislative agenda for Washington State.
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Improve Washington election coverage by wiki writing
By emmettoconnell
Sat Sep 23, 2006 at 07:09:09 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Building the base
Cross posted at Olympia Time
Radio Open Source is putting together a wiki on which to base their coverage of the 2006 elections. They've already done a couple of shows so far, one on "Meaning of CT" and on the 2006 elections overall.
Open Source airs on KUOW at 9p, and live on the internet at 4p.
I've tried to flesh out the page on Maria vs. Mike, but there are some mostly blank pages on WA 4 (Hastings v. Wright), WA 5 (McMorris v. Goldmark) and WA 8 (Reichart vs. Burner).
If you've never listened, Radio Open Source is a unique production in that it regularly brings on bloggers to talk about what they blog about and their show discussions are influenced by the comment threads on their own blog.
Plus, they are the first show I know of to ever say "Emmett O'Connell from Washington comments..." (during the show on Gerrymandering).
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Conservative sandbaggers 0-2 on Appeals level too
By emmettoconnell
Wed Sep 20, 2006 at 05:55:08 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Election news/info
In addition to practically crapping out on the Supreme Court (with one throw left), the conservative effort to buy two Appeals Court seats also failed last night with Joel Penoyar and Mary Becker winning their races.
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Almost every thought I've had on Tim Sheldon
By emmettoconnell
Sat Sep 02, 2006 at 06:58:49 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Democrats
I don't live in the 35th District, but since Tim Sheldon's district includes some of Thurston County, I've heard a bit about his campaign and that of his opponent Kyle Taylor Lucas. (As a disclaimer, Lucas won the services of the Thurston Young Democrats during our JJ Auction earlier this year, so I did a couple hours of lit drop for her last month).
I was going to stop writing about this race after the state party put all their chips on the table behind Lucas, but a couple of posts over at SP (here and here), I thought needed response. And, I didn't want to get lost in the comment threads over there.
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Penoyar for Judge
By emmettoconnell
Wed Aug 30, 2006 at 07:54:28 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Rants
Cross posted at Olympia Time

In addition to the conservative attempts to sandbag the state Supreme Court, there seems to be a similar effort to unseat a quality judge at the Appeal Court level in Southwest Washington. Judge Joel Penoyar is facing off with Brent Boger, who had been given a plus rating by the Faith and Freedom Network and is the former head of the Pacific Legal Foundation's Northwest office.
Like the Supreme Court races, Appeal Judges can be unseated in the primary. Penoyar is a judge in Division II, District 3 (which covers Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania and Wahkiakum counties).
In addition to not liking the Faith and Freedom Network and the PLF, I have personal reasons for preferring Judge Penoyar, probably over most other candidates.
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Netroots Agenda, Week Two: Fewer Ideas, more promotion
By emmettoconnell
Mon Aug 28, 2006 at 06:48:00 AM PST
Section: Diary
Topic: Legislation
This week we only had two ideas submitted, one by me that was actually Steve Zemke's, but I posted it anyway.
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